Password Manager Application Template

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Encrypting is being done using the reliable and secure Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Are you looking for a secure password manager that is easy to use? Look no further – this password manager template is the perfect way to manage your passwords with ease and security. Not only is it reliable and secure, but it also includes a range of features and benefits that make it stand out from the crowd.

First of all, this password manager is built using the powerful and highly secure Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). By using AES, you can be sure that all of your passwords are kept safe and secure at all times, without having to worry about data breaches or hackers getting access to your sensitive information. The template also includes a range of intuitive features, such as the ability to save passwords directly to the clipboard without showing it on the screen, making it easier to store and manage passwords securely.

The template is also built using Electron JS, which allows it to be used on multiple platforms such as Windows, Mac and Linux. This makes it easy to use from any desktop application, and it can even be easily ported to a website with minimal effort. To use this template, all you need is to have Node.js and NPM installed and then you can download the zip and extract the files, run 'npm install' and 'npm start', and you’re ready to go.

This template also provides a beautiful and elegant design for the password manager, making it easier to use and navigate. You can add and remove as many username/email/password combinations as you want, and all of these are stored in an encrypted json file. Every entry also has a title name and a text field for arbitrary notes.

Overall, this password manager template is perfect for those who want superior security and a range of features that make managing passwords easier. With AES encryption and a sleek design, you can be sure that all of your passwords are stored securely and are easy to access and manage. So, if you’re looking for a reliable and secure password manager, this template is the perfect choice.

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  • 📁 Password Manager Application Template

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Oct 16, 2019
Because its javascript / electron I will probably port this to an extension.
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