Rainbow Animation in computer graphics

제품 정보

커뮤니티 코드


프로그래밍 언어


사용 설명서 문서 스크린샷 비디오


코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Oct 20, 2020

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Hey Everyone…………..


(This code contain the animated Rainbow);


When you get the project, then you should decompress/unzip the file and then to access. Product folder contains the following items are:

1) Video Guide (how to run your Program)
2) A Turbo Software

3) Readme First (file for instructions)

4) Output Image
5) Source code file



This project which is the implementation of programming languages C/C++ between the domain of Computer Graphics. Software using {Turbo C++} for the Compilation and Execution of the specific source code. Used of special algorithm where to need according to the usage in which famous Algorithms used like DDA Line’s Algorithm, Flood fill ’s Algorithm, Bresenham’s Algorithm.


Rainbow Animation in computer graphics

Hey Everyone .. (This code contain the animated Rainbow); When you get the project, then you should decompress/unzip the file and then to access. Product folder contains the following items are: 1) Video Guide (how to run your Program) 2) A Turbo Software 3) Readme First (file for instructions) 4) Output Image 5) Source code file This project which is the implementation of programming languages C/C between the domain of Computer Graphics. Software using Turbo C for the Compilation and Execution of the specific source code. Used of special algorithm where to need according to the usage in which famous Algorithms used like DDA Line s Algorithm, Flood fill s Algorithm, Bresenham s Algorithm.

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