Stefan Store Ecommerce Shopping Platform

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May 31, 2021

Hablar con el vendedor

Detalles del producto

Stefan Store is a multi language eCommerce platform similar to Shopify business modules where customers can create e-commerce in minutes. You can build any kind of store from it. It has a powerfull backend to control everthing. If you are a non-techy person then you can also create your own store by using it.If you have a desire to create a store that has a strong impression and intrigue, then Stefan Store is a good tool for you. It has all the necessary blocks and pre-built elements that make it easy for you to create a beautiful eCommerce website. Payment Gateways:

Cash On Delivery
Seller can add own credentials for his/her customer can pay directly to the seller.

Seller can sell physical and digital product.
Seller can create express checkout URL
Facebook pixel support
Google tag manager
Google Analytics page view
Stock management
Seller Can Directly be logged in to customer panel
Seller Can Suspend The Customer
Order Invoice
Orders Report
Awsome Dashboard
Ajax Based Data Load
Fully Seo Friendly

Seo Friendly Url

Review Ratings
Customer Report
Order Report
Transaction Report
Seller can set own custom theme color
Inventory / stock management
Multi Attributes supported
Attribute Based Pricing Calculation supported
Custom Shipping Class
Custom shipping zone based shipping price
Multi language support
And many more…....

Admin Features:

Earning report
Site Analytics
Order Report
Full Domain Control
Multi language support
Fully Seo Friendly
Marketing tools (Facebook pixel/Google analytics)
Admin can check customer storage limit
Admin can create order for seller
Admin Can suspend the seller
Admin can directly contact with seller from seller profile via email
and many more…..

File Tree

  • 📁 Stefan Store Ecommerce Shopping Platform

Estadísticas de precios

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