Gold Loan Management System Vinsup GMS

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Nov 17, 2023

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

"Unlock the potential of gold loan management with Vinsup GMS, a powerful and feature-rich Gold Management System. Tailored for financial institutions, Vinsup GMS offers a comprehensive solution for tracking and managing gold loans, pawn transactions, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Key Features:

1.Interactive Interface: Vinsup GMS boasts a user-friendly interface, designed for ease of use and efficient navigation.

2.Gold Loan Management: Seamlessly track and manage gold loans with features for appraisal, interest rate setting, and flexible repayment plans.

3. Pawn Transaction Tracking: Effortlessly record and manage pawn transactions within the banking environment.

4.Regulatory Compliance: Ensure all transactions align with legal rules and regulations, prioritizing compliance and peace of mind.

5.Secure Database: Utilizing the robust MySQL database, Vinsup GMS prioritizes the security of sensitive information.

6. Scalable Architecture: Built on AWS, the platform ensures scalability, adapting to your evolving banking needs.

7.User-Friendly Interface: Designed with ReactJS, the interface provides an interactive and intuitive experience for bank personnel.

8.Backend Efficiency: Powered by NodeJS and Express JS, Vinsup GMS offers a powerful backend for swift and seamless operations.

9.Customizable Reporting: Generate customized reports and gain valuable insights for informed decision-making.

10.Cloud Integration: Hosted on AWS, the system ensures accessibility, reliability, and security in the cloud environment.

11.Multi-Branch Support: Enable coordination between different bank branches, making it suitable for banks with multiple locations.

Demo URL:

Demo Credentials:

Super Admin Login:
- Phone Number: 123456789
- Password: 12345678

Admin Login:
- Phone Number: 1234567890
- Password: 12345678

Explore the demo to witness the efficiency, security, and adaptability that Vinsup GMS brings to the realm of gold loan management. Transform your banking operations with Vinsup GMS today!"

1. Interactive Interface
2. Gold Loan Management
3. Pawn Transaction Tracking
4. Regulatory Compliance
5. Secure Database
6. Scalable Architecture
7. User-Friendly Interface
8. Backend Efficiency
9. Customizable Reporting
10. Cloud Integration
11. Multi-Branch Support

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  • 📁 Gold Loan Management System Vinsup GMS

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Jan 23, 2024
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Apr 23, 2024
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