Hotel Management System

제품 정보

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Feb 1, 2022

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Hotel Management
System (HMS) was designed to facilitate a hotel’s reservation management and
administrative tasks. The most important functions include front-desk
operations, reservations, channel management, housekeeping, rate and occupancy
management, and payment processing. 
Although HMS software mostly controls reservation and financial
transactions, it also allows you to manage housekeeping and perform human
resources management as well. In general, HMS facilitates the main processes involved
in a hotel related to internal and external operations.


1. Windows 7 or higher

2. SQL Server 2017 or higher

3. .Net Framework 4.7.2 or higher

4. Microsoft Excel

5. Crystal Reports for Visual Studio

Demo Link

* Clean Code
* Easy Customization
* Modularized for Easy Integration
* License & Activation Key Module Included
* Full Source Code
* 24/7 Support

File Tree

  • 📁 Hotel Management System

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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무작위로 선택한 샘플 파일

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