Java Chess and Checkers Game

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Jan 31, 2023

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

This is a desktop that allows you to play chess

against your friends it also has a checkers game, The game is built with the

help of the following technologies:

1. Java Programming Language

2. JavaFx library

3. Scene Builder

4. WebSwing


This class is the main class of the game, it contains the main method and

the start method which is used to start the game. It also contains the main

menu that is first displayed to the user when the game is started, it then

passes the user information to the Controller class. which then passes it to

the start game method to instantiate the game board and start the game.


This class represents the overall game board and contains the layout and

graphics for the board and pieces It also extends event handler class, which

allows it to listen for mouse clicks from user actions and trigger changes in

the game state. It also handles basic game logic such as checking for legal

moves and determining the winner.


This class extends the Gameboard class and adds the specific rules and layout

for chess. It implements the move logic for chess pieces and enforces the rules

of the game.It also overrides the handle method to handle the promotion

of pawns to queens, rooks, bishops, or knights. This class implements the

abstract method fillBoard() which is used to fill the board with the chess


Main Classes










1.Play chess and checkers against your friends
2. Access the game history and undo moves
3. Play with different color options
4. Play with different time limits
5. Play with different player names
6. Play with different board sizes
7. Listen to music while playing

To start, select either the chess or checkers option from the main menu.
Then enter your name and the name of your opponent, the default names are
player 1 and player 2. Then you can specify the time limit for the game, the
default time limit is 5 minutes. Then select the color you want to play as,
and the color you want your opponent to play as. There are a lot of different
color options to choose from, so you can customize the game to your liking.
Once all these options are selected, click the ”start game” button to begin
To make a move in either game, simply select the piece you want to move and
then select the square you want to move it to. The game will automatically
enforce all of the rules of chess or checkers, so you don’t have to worry about
making illegal moves. If you make a move and then decide that you want to
undo it, you can use the ”reverse move” feature by pressing the arrow button
on the bottom side of the board. This will take back the last move that was
made and allow you to try a different move instead. You can undo as many
moves as you want, until you reach the beginning of the game. When a pawn
reaches the other side of the board in chess, a prompt will appear asking you
if you want to promote the pawn to a queen, rook, bishop, or knight. You
can then select the piece you want to promote to by clicking on it. If you
don’t want to promote the pawn, you can click the ”cancel” button to cancel
the promotion.

File Tree

  • 📁 Java Chess and Checkers Game

가격 정보

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평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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