LaraMinLTE Laravel Starter Kit
공개 채팅
제품 세부 정보
This is a perfect starter kit for anyone who wants to start developing an application that needs an administrative panel with intermediate features. With it it is possible to start your project with some basic pre-made resources and some customization options, resources that will make your application much more professional and customizable; and the best part: without having to start from scratch.
Use it on your next projects and reduce creation time, delivering your freelancer service faster and with features your client will love.
Dashboard with Counters
Edit Profile with Password Confirmation and 2x 2FA auth options: App or Email
Manage Users
List / Create / Edit / Delete / Impersonate
Manage Admins
List / Create / Edit / Delete / Impersonate
Manage Roles
List / Create / Edit / Delete
Manage Permissions
List / Create / Edit / Delete
List / Create / Edit / Delete
Admin Menus
List / Create / Edit / Delete
General: Site name
SEO: Meta Description and Meta Keywords, Google Analytics Code
Company: Company name, address, city, state, zip code, country, phone and opening hours
Social: 24 Social links
Design: Admin and Site pagination, Choose Text Editor(Summernote or TinyMCE) and Alert Types(Bootstrap, Toastr or SweetAlert), Header and Footer codes, Admin and Site Theme
Maintenance: Enable/disable maintenance mode, customize excluded URL's and IP's, maintenance message and Retry Time, Bypass Secret
Other Features
2FA Auth using email or app(site and admin)
Logout from other devices(site and admin)
Translation Manager
Dark and Light Mode
Easy Menu Customization
Easy Theme Customization(site and admin)
100% Responsive
100% open source
Easy to translate into other languages
You do not have a license system, you can use it on as many sites as you like
File Tree
📁 LaraMinLTE Laravel Starter Kit