Mouse Analytics

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Keep an eye on your website and make sure you know what your users are doing.

Mouse Analytics is a powerful and intuitive piece of software that enables you to gain insight into user behavior on your website. It provides you with a wealth of data to help you optimize the user experience, analyze trends and uncover issues with your website.

This code tracks clicks, positions/movements, scrolling and resizing. During playback clicks are animated visually to make them visible. Scroll events are simulated, so that your playback window as well will scroll at the same time in the playback. We also account for this during positional tracking and heatmap drawing. This information can be used to gain knowledge on how users interact with your website and what parts of the website are more popular and user friendly.

Mouse Analytics comes with a user friendly interface that allows you to easily monitor your website and its user activity. You can choose to view data in either a detailed or simplified format, allowing you to quickly assess the user experience and identify any problems. Additionally, the software provides heatmaps to help you visualize user activity and analyze trends.

This software is highly customizable and can be tailored to suit the individual needs of your website. You can choose to display data in different ways, including tabular or graphical format. You can also customize the playback window to fit the size of your website. Additionally, you can access the data anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection.

Mouse Analytics is a powerful and intuitive piece of software that helps you gain better insight into user experience on your website. It provides you with an abundance of data to help you improve the user experience, analyze trends and uncover issues with your website. With the help of this software, you can ensure that your website is performing the best it can, providing users with the best experience possible.

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Jan 26, 2021
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