Library Management System Android App

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May 23, 2022

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I use firebase as a database and
store all the information of the user and other

which is related to the Available books , Issued books and other. and It has a two option login as librarian or as visitor who can get the book from library.

admin can send a alert message to the
book borrower on their email.

Here admin can see all the details of
book borrower their name their issued date and their return date and which book
is assign to it and many more.

admin can add new book.

At the image icon user can able to choose
book image from their device and give the book name and the author name of book
and define the quantity (stock available in library) and press the “ADD NEW”
button to add a book in available book section 

In a user panel, user is
only see which book is available in library and how much quantity are left of
the book. 
In this panel login user can see their
due date and which book taken by him or her and see book issued date and return
date also in issued book section.

- Firebase Authentication
- Admin Panel
- User Panel
- Dark and Light Mode Available
- Send Alert Notifications
- Firebase Storage
- Complete UI

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  • 📁 Library Management System Android App

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