Web mobile apps for a domestic services platform

Budget : na

Type of source code :

API, Website, APP

Goals and context :

We want to build an application like Taskrabbit where the main services offered will be home & office cleaning, meal preparation, and running errands. Customers can opt for a fixed schedule for home cleaning and meal preparation, as well as make one-off requests for errands including grocery shopping, market runs and picking up kids from school. By default, the platform provides a service worker (called a local aide) who is available and closest to the customer similar to how ride-hailing apps work. However, a customer can also request to retain a local aide for specific services such as meal preparation and picking up kids from school.

Usage :

Our target customers are working professionals, young families, and elderly people. Our local aides are young adults, typically high schoolers and college kids.

Desired features :

User Interface, Administrator website, Messaging system, Push Notifications system, Reports, Secure Payment Options, Multilingual, Real Time Updates, Social Integrations, Analytics, Ads, Webservices, AI, Video Options, Track and Trace

Features Details :

Home and Office cleaning Meal preparation (in-house or delivered) Errands (including grocery shopping, picking up kids from school, parcel delivery and other custom errands) City tours: For customers new to a city and tourists, a local aide can take them around and provide information about key locations and services in the city. Baby-sitting and elderly care.

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