Music Downloader

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May 15, 2020

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You will regret not owning this great music application today. While you are hesitant, the other smart agile developers have taken this opportunity to save time and effort developing a music application as quickly as possible.

They can then upload the app to the market and earn millions of dollars with the extremely active music app market (estimated at billions of dollars in revenue per year). Note that after 1 month I will increase the price of this application as the demand is increasing.

Currently, just by investing a very small amount, you have an Offline Music source code with all the functions and utilities that are extremely convenient. Development, improvement, testing, and editing time usually takes 2 to 3 months for an application like this. Not to mention if you are not a developer but just a normal person then hire a freelancer. Now you are an investor, you have saved time and effort and your valuable coins. Simply buy this app and you can change it to your liking or keep it and start making millions with it (application source code has built-in Admob ads)

When you buy this product, you are provided with 24/7 support service for free, feel free to express your questions and we will give you the most perfect customer care experience. The product comes with a product demo video to help you have the closest look to the product. We also constantly update the product so it adapts to the latest Apple systems, such as iOS 13

The application is a passionate product of our team. Nearly 8 weeks of continuous product development with the participation of the developer team, design, testing, quality assurance. Developers have more than 5 years of experience in developing mobile applications for iOS and are well-trained at the university level. With the idea of ​​creating a quality music application and especially listening to music without the internet, we have created this perfect product.

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This application is useful because the speed and quality of the task are executed, and a best friend with a music lover. This app is fully native, created in the latest Xcode version, support all latest feature of the iOS platform to provide the best user experience.

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