Become a PieceX
Corporate Partner

Expand Your Corporate Earnings!
Contract with us to optimize your company income and
Earn income from multiple sources through the PieceX Marketplace

Trusted by Tens of Thousands of Companies

Get in Touch to Join

sign up to PieceX
Contract with PieceX to agree on terms & become a Corporate Partner.
earn 10% of your sells
Earn a percentage of every purchase made through a buyer who registered through your link.
Promote your link
Gain access to user registration links and well-designed widgets.
Track all your earnings
Make a percentage of every sale made through a seller who registered through your link.
PieceX affiliate program

Why Become A PieceX Corporate Partner

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Increased Revenue Streams

Utilize more sources of income for your company to increase your profit and net worth.

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Simple Integration

Easily integrate PieceX widgets on your site and start earning from every user who registers through your link.

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Reliable Partnership

Join PieceX’s Corporate Partner Program and enjoy consistent earnings from both buyer and seller referrals.

Create Account

What We Can Do To Help

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Sales Agency Management

Get strategies and advice from the PieceX team to maximize your earnings.

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Marketing Support

We give you everything you need to effectively promote your link.

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Smart Analytics

Keep track of your growth and improve your tactics through our Analytics System.

Become affiliate

Use One of Our Amazing Widgets

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PieceX IoT

Place widgets on your website for the IoT Software listed on the PieceX IoT Marketplace.

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Get Banner/Search widgets for the PieceX Source Code you are advertising for.

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PieceX OSS

Put an easy-to-use widget on the front face of your website for the Open Source Support portion of PieceX.

Become affiliate

Have Any Questions?

Get all your questions answered below, or contact us if you don't have an answer to your question!

What is the PieceX Corporate Partner Program?
The PieceX Corporate Partner Program allows you to earn a percentage of every purchase and sale made through referrals from your site. By integrating our registration links and widgets, you can monetize your website traffic effectively.
How do I become a PieceX Corporate Partner?
To become a Corporate Partner, simply visit the Corporate Partner Program Page, fill out the form to contact us to discuss and agree on terms. Once the agreement is in place, you'll gain access to user registration links and well-designed widgets for your site.
How do I earn money through the program?
You earn a percentage of every purchase made by buyers and every sale made by sellers who register through your referral links. The more referrals you bring in, the more you can earn.
What kind of widgets will I receive?
As a Corporate Partner, you will receive a variety of well-designed widgets that you can easily integrate into your website. These widgets will help drive traffic and registrations through your referral links.
How do I track my earnings and referrals?
Once you become a partner, you will have access to a dashboard where you can track your referrals, purchases, sales, and earnings in real-time.
Is there a limit to how much I can earn?
There is no limit to your earnings. The more successful referrals you generate, the higher your potential earnings will be.
Who can join the Corporate Partner Program?
The program is open to any Business or Corporate online presence that can effectively promote PieceX and generate referrals.
How can I get started?
To get started, contact us to discuss partnership terms and begin the onboarding process. We’ll provide you with all the necessary tools and support to start earning.
What support is available for Corporate Partners?
As a Corporate Partner, you'll receive comprehensive support from our team, including technical assistance with widget integration and marketing tips to maximize your referrals and earnings.
How will I receive my payments?
Payments will be made through the payment method specified in your Account. You can choose from various payment options for your convenience.

More ways to earn with PieceX

Become a Seller

List your own software source code on the PieceX Marketplace and earn with every sale.

Learn From Our Blog

Get the most amount of knowledge on how to earn with PieceX through our thorough step-by step guides and simple how-to tutorials.


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