* A playable game. * Game developed from scratch (C++14). * Visualizer for in-game debugging. * Simulator for collision and physics testing. * Includes necessary assets. * Nice code formatting. * Crossplatform (Test compiled on Windows 7 x64-bit (Msvc2015), MacOSX 10.13 x86_64 (Apple LLVM v10), Linu
added by tranIT
Flutter Point of Sale With Finance and Dashboard
- Flutter: The app is developed in Flutter and, in this way, will be able to run on different platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS and for the Web. In this Beta phase we are doing tests on Windows and Android. - SQLite: The app is single user and works with a local database. The database
added by albertei560448
Music Player Streaming Desktop App Template
This is a template for a music streaming application. All of the basic functionality of such a music app are found here. Make sure nodeJS and NPM are installed Download Zip and extract Run npm install in the password manager folder Now all the node modules are installed and downloaded. R
added by Leopard Ware
Password Manager Application Template
For good reason This template provides a fully working protoype of a password manager. You can add and remove ad many username/email/password combinations as you want; These are stored encrypted as a json file, holding all the data. Every entry has a title name and a text field for arbitrary notes.
added by Leopard Ware