Customizable Note Taking App Flutter and Kotlin Source Code
FunNotes is a customizable note taking app with a focus on text editing and personalization. Choose from a variety of colors and buttons visibility to make your notes truly your own. With FunNotes, taking notes has never been so fun and easy! Features: - Manage notes with ease: add, delete, pi
added by farolanf
Please Note Android Note App
It works offline It keeps person’s profile with name, contact info, ID etc. One can categorize a person by color It keeps user's profile including logo image It keeps number of different notes for a person Search a person and notes by ID, contacts, name, note title Call, sen
added by smartaffirm
The source code has the following features 1. Firebase integration 2. In app purchases 3. Google Admob for interstitial and banner ads 4. Circular and linear progress bars 5. Differentiated task colours for completed and pending 6. Six different theme styles 7. Task notifications & reminders 8. Payw
added by DannyJumaK