Clinic Management Software
Multi-tenant Software designed for clinics. Online, Secure and Simple Layout. Modern, User Friendly & Powerful Interface. Support LTR and RTL Layouts. Support English, French and Arabic. Patient Medical Record. Appointments Management. Consultations Management. Dentist Consultations speciali
added by myclinic
Booking Garden
Products Admin can create categories and then add products under a category. They can add pictures and prices for each product. This system is made for subscriptions of physical items only. So the ideal products that can be added in the system are Furnitures, Vehicles, Electronics items, Equipm
added by modulesp049067
The source code has the following features 1. Firebase integration 2. In app purchases 3. Google Admob for interstitial and banner ads 4. Circular and linear progress bars 5. Differentiated task colours for completed and pending 6. Six different theme styles 7. Task notifications & reminders 8. Payw
added by DannyJumaK
Subscription Management System with Paypal Payment
Subscription Management System with Paypal Payment Subscriber will subscribe a plan and will pay through paypal express.after successfully payment subscriber will get access permission with the assigned date duration (start date and end date)Admin - will set plan,Paypal email,can manage subscriber,c
added by rana100