Bank Management System


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Bank Management System is a Laravel Framework-based online net banking PHP script. It was designed to be elegant, quick, and powerful. Account transfers, account statements, branches, auto deposit, and other basic banking capabilities are included with Online Banking Management System. It includes a one-click installer that allows us to set up our system in under 5 minutes without any technical skills.

Banking Management System Features

These are the following features of Online Banking Management System Project:

User Features

  • Cross Browser Optimized Design.

  • Latest News, FAQ, Contact.

  • Easy Signup / Signin.

  • Secure User Dashboard.

  • Own bank Transfer.

  • Others bank transfer.

  • E-currency Methods.

  • Complete Account Statement.

  • Automated Deposit Method.

  • Account Setting.

  • Multiple Branches.

  • And More .

Admin Features

  • Secure Admin Dashboard.

  • Branch Management.

  • Other banks Management.

  • Website Settings.

  • General Settings.

  • Charge Settings.

  • Email Settings.

  • SMS Settings.

  • Facebook API Management

  • Deposit Management.

  • Latest News Management.

  • Transaction Management.

  • withdraw Management.

  • User Management.

  • Interface Control.

  • Newsletter Management.

  • Advertisement Management.

  • Language Management.

  • And More .

Script Comes With

  • Excellent support with a fast response rate.

  • Fix any bugs or broken content.

  • Help get you setup and installed!

  • Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!

  • Protects against CSRF attacks!

  • HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!

  • Built using the latest Strong LARAVEL Framework.

  • Passwords are encrypted By bcrypt encryption.

  • You should need GMP Extension to run it.

Banking Management System Installation

These are the steps on how to install Online Banking Management System:

Step1: Upload to your host and unzip.
Step2: Create mySQL Database and Database User.
Step3: Open your browser and visit http://your-sitename/install.
Step4: Fill All Information there and click SETUP.
Step5: System is ready, you able to use now.
Step6: Login to admin panel http://your-sitename/admin with Username: admin & Password: admin to change Website.

Related Questions for Installation

Question 1: Do i need VPS OR Dedicated Server?
ANS: No you can run our product with shared server too.

Question 2: Which Hosting Provider will be best you think?
ANS: Any hosting provider who provide Cpanel Based Hosting.

Question 3: What is Cpanel?
ANS: Cpanel is a Control panel for server. You can Check More Here

Question 4: Don t have Cpanel?
ANS: No worry, its working with any control panel but Cpanel is too easy to manage, for that we recommend Cpanel based hosting.

How to Setup Cron Job

You need to set cron job to generate user profit automatically.
Cron Command: wget http://YourDomain.Name/ipnblockbtc
Cron Command: wget http://YourDomain.Name/ipnblocklite
Cron Command: wget http://YourDomain.Name/ipnblockdog
Cron Time: Time Depends on your Plans, but Once per every 05-15 minute is good enough.

Server Requirements

These are the following server requirements of Bank Management System:

  • PHP >= 7.0.0

  • OpenSSL PHP Extension

  • PDO PHP Extension

  • Mbstring PHP Extension

  • Tokenizer PHP Extension

  • XML PHP Extension

  • GMP Extension

  • BCrypt Extension.

Users feature:

Cross Browser Optimized Design.
Latest News, FAQ, Contact.
Easy Signup / Signin.
Secure User Dashboard.
Own bank Transfer.
Others bank transfer.
E-currency Methods.
Complete Account Statement.
Automated Deposit Method.
Account Setting.
Multiple Branches.
And More….

Admin Features

Secure Admin Dashboard.
Branch Management.
Other banks Management.
Website Settings.
General Settings.
Charge Settings.
Email Settings.
SMS Settings.
Facebook API Management
Deposit Management.
Latest News Management.
Transaction Management.
withdraw Management.
User Management.
Interface Control.
Newsletter Management.
Advertisement Management.
Language Management.
And More….

File Tree

  • 📁 Bank Management System













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