Fitness Point
Fitness Point App will help you to get in shape and maintain it. This app contains up to 20 exercises. Each exercise is explained with the help of animation. You can start with 30 days exercise plan. If you didn't reach your fitness goal within 30 days then you can restart your 30 days exercise routine for next month. It also have 30 days diet plan and some health and exercise tips.
Owner of the app can earn by placing admob ads in the app using google admob banner ads and interstitial ads. All detailed instructions are provided in documentation like how to open project in Android Studio, how to change package name and how to place ads etc. If you didn t reach your fitness goal within 30 days then you can restart your 30 days exercise routine for next month. Owner of the app can earn by placing admob ads in the app using google admob banner ads and interstitial ads.
Owner of the app can earn by placing admob ads in the app using google admob banner ads and interstitial ads. All detailed instructions are provided in documentation like how to open project in Android Studio, how to change package name and how to place ads etc. If you didn t reach your fitness goal within 30 days then you can restart your 30 days exercise routine for next month. Owner of the app can earn by placing admob ads in the app using google admob banner ads and interstitial ads.
📁 Fitness Point