JustFly, inspired by the game Flappy Bird, is a game developed from scratch using C++14 and the libraries SFML as core and log4cplus for logging. The project could be a starting point for learning C++ and game development, programmed from scratch. There are elements such as animation, audio, asset, collision, level and gameplay.
Optional the project could be a starting point for further development.
There are two modules in the project, one module containing the game, and the other module containing a simulator, used for testing collision between objects and physics applied to the player.
* A playable game.* Game developed from scratch (C++14).
* Visualizer for in-game debugging.
* Simulator for collision and physics testing.
* Includes necessary assets.
* Nice code formatting.
* Crossplatform (Test compiled on Windows 7 x64-bit (Msvc2015), MacOSX 10.13 x86_64 (Apple LLVM v10), Linux x86_64 (gcc 9.4.0))
📁 JustFly