Unity 2d metroidvania game
Unity 2d metroidvania game.
Full source code of Unity 2D game.
- character & enemies movement;
- enemies AI: pathfinding
- dynamic gravity
- object collision
- corner correction
- particle effects
- light effects
- animations for character and enemies
- sound effects
- double jump;
- wall jump;
- dash;
- knockback when hiting enemies;
- collectible orbs after killing enemies;
- obstacles and traps;
- moving platforms along the path
- on/off platforms
- jumping pads;
- flying enemies and walking enemies;
- and more;
Main character can double jump, wall jump and dash.
You can fight enemies, cast simple spell and attack enemies with a sword.
Can be used as a base for any 2D game in Unity.
The game contains also multiple assets, music and graphics, but I cannot guarantee that they can be used commercially. I have payed myself for all of them, however I don't know if licenses are transferable.
I must admit that I spent MANY MANY hours on this game, especially on the logic and movement of character. I put a lot of love into it ;) Code is quite easy to understand and well-described. I can answer every question in private chat :)
Playable version:
Features: movement, gravity, corner correction, particle effects, light effects, animations, sounds and more.You can fight enemies, cast simple spell and attack enemies with a sword.
📁 Unity 2d metroidvania game