Unpack Shipment Delivery App Template
there are three types of users: customer, employee and receiver. Every user has a dashboard that he can view and actions he can accomplish based on his role as follows
a customer can log in and all shipments he created, plus he can create and delete shipments.
an employee can edit the expected delivery date and status (onway or failed)
a receiver can set the shipment as received
📁 Unpack Shipment Delivery App Template
in the zip folder you will see an assets folder and a lib folder. create a new flutter project and delete the lib folder generated, then add the two folders to the project. Finally, run flutter pub get to install all dependencies.
after setting up the project, open the lib folder:
you will find three main folders: models, views, web services
models are the models used in this application
views are the UI widgets or screens
web services are the services that fetch data from APIS and returns it to the UI.
to use the application make sure to develop necessary APIS and host them.
after hosting them navigate to the constants file, you will find a static variable which will hold the host link. copy the host link and paste it there.
make sure to edit the web services functions as per your need
the web services will return a list of the model in question to display on the UI
Also note that I am using provider for state management
you will find three main folders: models, views, web services
models are the models used in this application
views are the UI widgets or screens
web services are the services that fetch data from APIS and returns it to the UI.
to use the application make sure to develop necessary APIS and host them.
after hosting them navigate to the constants file, you will find a static variable which will hold the host link. copy the host link and paste it there.
make sure to edit the web services functions as per your need
the web services will return a list of the model in question to display on the UI
Also note that I am using provider for state management