
HERMEX Crypto Currency Trading Bot

HERMEX is a new crypto currency trading bot supporting numerous exchanges via API and all kinds of pairs that are supported by those exchanges.

added by Smartify

Crypto Currency Price Module

Crypto Currency Price Module This project is designed to solve the problem of getting crypto currency pricing data in your solution and doing so robustly. Using a nice and simple to use java workflow. Easy to implement and add or combine with any existing project. Most services and solutions rely on

added by Integratr

Stock Market and Cryptocurrency Application

- Lists of indices, cryptocurrencies, stocks and ETF's - Very clean design - Fully customizable - Very easy to maintain - Only requires an API key, which can be created for free - Very clean code (NO compiler warnings or errors) - Code is fully documented in Javadoc - Creates an individual chart pag

added by JTApplications

Crypto Casino Crash Mines Dice and much more

We always provide source code. These "services that will setup everything for you" are going to provide you a server which you won't have access to. It's a scam.

added by swmzlb

Cryptomania Crypto Exchange Pro

All the codes supported by laravel and php will also work here. It is a trading platform to build a super fast cryptocurrency trading platform for business Features Coinpayments Coin Api Integrated BTC node Integrated Exchange Scroller Instant Payment notice (IPN) Ready Unlimited

added by codemenorg

React Module Crypto Charts

Data is provided by coindesk. Mouse hover effect shows a tooltip of the day and price. Easily include this in any existing React project. Flexible code base.

added by TradeTech

BitcoinCash Address Generator

Ready to adapt. Just open this in a web browser and use the function to generate addresses. Private keys are shown on the screen without protection. Add additional security measures for generation and display if needed.

added by TradeTech

Node JS Bitcoin Blockchain API

A lazy API here is a name for an API that does NOT require you to run your own Bitcoin Node. Which is usually the case. This API interfaces with one of the many public website APIs to read out the blockchain s data.This code provides functionality to do anything you may want from blockchain data, ho

added by Smartify

Bitcoin controller per PHP Web Server

Bitcoin controller per PHP Web Server This is a code will show you how you can write PHP code on your web server to connect to your Bitcoin Node.Whether you are a merchant, payment operator or have other uses for the Bitcoin network, this code base will make it possible to:Send CoinsScan the block c

added by Webology

C Bitcoin Connector

C Bitcoin Connector This C code base is meant for merchants, payment systems and other Bitcoin node operators.If you are a serious bitcoin user, like using them for payments, it is heavily recommended to run your own node to ensure your own transactions.So this code is meant to interface with you

added by Smartify

Bitcoin Java Module

Bitcoin Java Module Code set for easy entry into using Bitcoin in Java This project gives you an easy entry into using Bitcoin via Java. Supplied is a template class using the library called BitcoinJ. The template will make it easy for you to set up bitcoin, initialize it and run common tas

added by Smartify

Bitcoin Wallet Template Fully functional

Bitcoin Wallet Template Fully functional Your own bitcoin wallet. You can manage your wallet, import one if the file is put into the root folder, or create a new one. Balance is calculated. You can send Bitcoins to a target address.

added by Smartify

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