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제품 세부 정보

a iOS network debug library, monitor HTTP requests


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NetworkEye,a iOS network debug library,monitor HTTP requests.

It can be detected HTTP request include web pages, NSURLConnection, NSURLSession, AFNetworking, 3rd libraries, 3rd SDK ,and so on. very convenient and practical.

It can be map local json file.

I created a google group,this group is for general discussion NetworkEye ,welcome to join,

if you use NetworkEye, you can add it in here,Who-Uses-NetworkEye

welcome to new pull request,that fix bug,add new features,add support other platform.and welcome to new issues.

and thanks to kasketis write the swift version netfox


    platform :ios, '7.0'
    pod 'NetworkEye', '~> 1.1.2'
    # pod 'NetworkEye/FMDB', '~> 1.1.2'   # NetworkEye with FMDB ,save your requests to database


Note:Use Network Eye in DEBUG mode

add the code in AppDelegate.m

#import "NEHTTPEye.h"
#if defined(DEBUG)||defined(_DEBUG)
    [NEHTTPEye setEnabled:YES];

you can use use the shortcut (⌘ Command + n) , a double tap or shake device to call out the monitoring data interface


You can also use the following code

#if defined(DEBUG)||defined(_DEBUG)
    NEHTTPEyeViewController *vc=[[NEHTTPEyeViewController alloc] init];
    [self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];

In NEHTTPEye, the default password of database is "networkeye" ,and you can save 300 requests.

the database name is networkeye.sqlite,and stored in the cache directory.

#define kSQLitePassword @"networkeye"

#define kSaveRequestMaxCount 300

you can change it use NEHTTPModelManager

    [NEHTTPModelManager defaultManager].saveRequestMaxCount=300;
    [NEHTTPModelManager defaultManager].sqlitePassword=@"networkeye";

NetworkEye use FMDB and SQLCipher。 FMDB is used to store data,SQLCipher is used to encrypt the database。

Monitoring data interface supports some search conditions ,it is URL,statusCode,HTTPMethod,MIMEType。



MIT License.



Xi Lin

Zhu Lida



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