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제품 세부 정보 - The open source ticket reservation system for conferences, trade shows, workshops, meetups

The open source ticket reservation system. ([ˈalfjo]) is a free and open source event attendance management system, developed for event organizers who care about privacy, security and fair pricing policy for their customers.

Build Status Security Rating Reliability Rating Coverage

Financial Contributors on Open Collective Docker Hub Pulls Open Source Helpers

Table of Contents
  1. Prerequisites
  2. Spring profiles
  3. Run in development mode
  4. Contributing to
  5. Check dependencies to update
  6. Running Docker containers
  7. Contributors


You should have installed Java version 17 (e.g. Oracle's, OpenJDK, or any other distribution) to build and run Please note that for the build process the JDK is required.

Postgresql version 10 or later.

Additionally, the database user that creates and uses the tables should not be a "SUPERUSER", or else the row security policy checks will not be applied.

[!NOTE] As the work for v2 has started, this branch may contain unstable and untested code. If you want to build and deploy by yourself, please start from a Released version.

Spring profiles

There are the following spring profiles

  • dev: enable dev mode
  • spring-boot: added when launched by spring-boot
  • demo: enable demo mode, the accounts for the admin will be created on the fly
  • disable-jobs: disable jobs
  • jdbc-session: persist the user session in the database

Run in development mode

Gradle Build

This build includes a copy of the Gradle wrapper. You don't have to have Gradle installed on your system to build the project. Simply execute the wrapper along with the appropriate task, for example

./gradlew clean

Running with multiple profiles

You must specify a project property at the command line, such as

./gradlew -Pprofile=dev :bootRun

The local "bootRun" task has the following prerequisites:

  • a PostgreSQL (version 10 or later) instance up and running on localhost:5432
  • a postgres user having a password: password
  • a database named alfio
docker run -d --name alfio-db -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=alfio --restart unless-stopped postgres 

once started, will create all the required tables in the database, and be available at http://localhost:8080/admin. You can log in using the default Username admin and the password which was printed on the console.

You can get a list of all supported Gradle tasks by running

./gradlew tasks --all

You can configure additional System properties (if you need them) by creating the following file and putting into it one property per line:

vi custom.jvmargs

Please be aware that since this file could contain sensitive information (such as Google Maps private API key) it will be automatically ignored by git.

For debug

Add a new line with: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 in custom.jvmargs

Contributing to

Importing the Gradle project into Intellij and Eclipse both work.


  • this project uses Project Lombok. You will need to install the corresponding Lombok plugin for integration into your IDE.
  • this project uses TestContainers to run integration tests against a real PostgreSQL database. Please make sure that your configuration meets their requirements
How to configure TestContainers with Podman (Fedora 34)

As TestContainers expect the docker socket for managing the containers, you will need to do the following (see original issue for details): Define the 2 env. variable: ``` export TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED=true export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock ``` And run in another console: ``` podman system service -t 0 ``` To be noted: - for unknown reason, the first time podman download the missing images, testcontainers will fail. Run another time and it will work. - in theory, with systemd+socket activation the service should start automatically, but currently I was not able to make it works.

Check dependencies to update

./gradlew dependencyUpdates

Running Docker containers

Container images are available on can also be run with Docker Compose (development mode):

docker-compose up

Running in production using Docker compose is not officially supported. However, if you decide to do so, then you need to make a couple of changes:

  • Uncomment the alfio service in the docker-compose.yml file
  • Check the user and password for the services in the .env file
  • Handle SSL termination (e.g. with something like tutum/haproxy) 443 -> 8080

Test application

  • Check alfio logs: docker logs alfio
  • Copy admin password in a secure place
  • Get IP of your docker container: (only on Mac/Windows, on Linux the proxy will bind directly on your public IP)
    • boot2docker IP on Mac/Windows
  • Open browser at: https://DOCKER_IP/admin
  • Insert user admin and the password you just copied

Generate a new version of the alfio/ docker image

Build application and Dockerfile

 ./gradlew distribution

Alternatively, you can use Docker (experimental):

 docker run --rm -u gradle -v "$PWD":/home/gradle/project -w /home/gradle/project gradle:7.0.0-jdk11 gradle --no-daemon distribution -x test

Please note that at the moment the command above performs the build without running the automated tests. Use it at your own risk.

Create docker image:

 docker build -t alfio/ ./build/dockerize

About the included AppleWWDRCAG4.cer

The certificate at src/main/resources/alfio/certificates/AppleWWDRCAG4.cer has been imported for functionality. It will expire the 2030-10-12 (YYYY-MM-DD - as of


Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.

Translation Contributors (POEditor)

A big "Thank you" goes also to our translators, who help us on POEditor:

(we show the complete name/profile only if we have received explicit consent to do so)

Language Name Github Twitter
Dutch (nl) Matthjis
Turkish (tr) Dilek
Spanish (es) Mario Varona @mvarona @MarioVarona
Spanish (es) Sergi Almar @salmar @sergialmar
Spanish (es) Jeremias
Bulgarian (bg) Martin Zhekov @Martin03 @MartensZone
Portuguese (pt) Hugo
Swedish (sv) Johan
Romanian (ro) Daniel
Polish (pl) Pawel
Danish (da) Sune

translations completed but not yet integrated (WIP)

Language Name Github Twitter
Japanese (jp) Martin
Chinese (Taiwan) (cn_TW) Yu-cheng, Lin


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Amici del Ticino



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