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제품 세부 정보

Full Stack E-commerce web application

Crafty Commerce

A Full Stack E-Commerce application using MERN Stack.

Mongodb Expressjs Reactjs Nodejs Tailwind Cloudinary Stripe Framer Motion

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Crafty Commerce is a full stack e-commerce web application that allows you to purchase different categories of product online. You can apply filters accordingly and find your favourite products in crafty commerce. You can pay with debit/credit cards and in just few click your product will be delivered.



  • Admin Dashboard
  • Your Profile
  • Your Orders
  • Login
  • Register
  • Update Profile
  • Update Password
  • Reset Password
  • Home
  • Shop
  • Product
  • Limited Offers
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Payment
  • Contact
  • About us
  • FAQ
  • Terms and Condition
  • Privacy policy

🚀 Features

  • Admin can create/update/delete products
  • Admin can update user role
  • Admin can delete user
  • Admin can see all user, orders and reviews
  • User can register and login
  • User can add products to cart
  • User can order by giving shipping details and make payments
  • User can see his own orders list
  • User can update his profile
  • User can update and reset password
  • User can search or apply filter for products
  • User can sort products by variety of options
  • User can give comments and reviews for the product
  • User can add quantity of products till product gets out of stock

Some Screenshots of Crafty Commerce:

home popular products
limited offers category Products
products category product
cart order
payment admin
payment admin

Quick Start

$ git clone
$ cd crafty-commerce
$ npm install
$ nodemon

Open another terminal

$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start

Env Variables

Add your config variables values in the config.env file in backend/config folder.

Seed Database

Use the following command to put some dummy products in that database. Run it in the root folder.

npm run seeder


If you want to contact me, you can reach me through below handles.

linkedin Github

Show your support

Give it a ⭐️ if you like it.


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