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제품 세부 정보

:zap: The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT)

The MRPT project

CI Check clang-format


1. Introduction

Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) provides C++ libraries aimed at researchers in mobile robotics and computer vision. Libraries include SLAM solutions, 2D and 3D spatial transformations, SE(2)/SE(3) Lie groups, probability density functions (pdfs) over points, landmarks, poses and maps, Bayesian inference (Kalman filters, particle filters), image processing, obstacle avoidance, etc. MRPT also provides GUI apps for camera calibration, dataset inspection, and much more.

2. Resources

3. Install

3.1. Ubuntu/Debian

Install simply with sudo apt install libmrpt-dev mrpt-apps, but check first what MRPT version exists in your Ubuntu or Debian (tracker) distribution.

If you want a more recent version, check out this PPA for nightly builds from the develop branch, or this one for stable releases.

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:joseluisblancoc/mrpt   # develop branch
    #sudo add-apt-repository ppa:joseluisblancoc/mrpt-stable   # master (stable releases) branch
    sudo apt install libmrpt-dev mrpt-apps

Supported distributions:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic), Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal), or newer.

3.2. Build from sources

See build documentation (source).

3.3. Windows precompiled versions

Executables (.exes and .dlls) and development libraries (.hs and .libs) included:

Nightly built Windows installer

3.4. As a ROS package

MRPT is also shipped as ROS packages.

For ROS 1:

# (ROS 1 only!)
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-mrpt2

For ROS 2, see instructions and available versions:

4. License

MRPT is released under the new BSD license.


5. Versions in repositories




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