
Budget : na

Type of source code :

Website, APP, Multimedia, Security

Goals and context :

Any person can use it for creating videos online and download it easily Anyone can use it easily for creating videos Any person is able to comment, like, share and download it easily First is to create account that can help her or his Person account can be protected by hacks using password Any person can able to see it and download it easily

Usage :

Any person can use it for creating videos for sale and buy/download it easily Any person can able to send a message to her or his friends Any person can see videos online using his data,MB has simple as that A person can enjoy watching videos online and download it easily and like, share, and comment i

Desired features :

Messaging system, Real Time Updates, Social Integrations, AI, Video Options

Features Details :

This app is for creating videos online Person account can be protected by to avoid hacks using password This app you can post your picture, videos That anyone can also see it and download, comment, like and share it You can share news, video, education,and training online

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