Android Based project Repository system

Budget : na

Type of source code :


Goals and context :

This Project should be Android based, to store final year Students Project, the main purpose of this project is that the students should not be repeated, once they login to the system they can be able search project the particular project by Year and title, if it has been done before it will appear and if no it will display not found.

Usage :

This system can only be used by project Supervisor and Project Coordinator Role of Supervisor: search for Project, Upload Project, Download Project Role of Project Coordinator: Search for Project, Upload Project, Download Project and Manage Supervisors

Desired features :

User Interface

Features Details :

System Features: 1. Home Page (Welcome to Computer Science Project Repository system) and (Login Button) 2. Login Page (Login as Project Coordinator or Project Supervisor) 3. Dashboard (for Project Supervisor and Project Coordinator) Supervisor Dashboard i. Search Project ii. Upload Project iii. Download Project iii. Logout Project Coordinator Dashboard i. Search Project ii. Upload Project iii. Download Project iv. Manage Supervisor v. Create account for Supervisor vi. Logout

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