Marker reductor

Budget : na

Type of source code :

Utility, Product engineering

Goals and context :

Reduce the marker in Garment industry while application create application for marker reduction to the data of sizes ["36", "38", "39", "40", "42", "44", "46", "48", "50"] and size ratio like (enter the number )Plies standard ["Plain = 110", "Checks = 60", "Stripes = 70", "Print = 65", "Linen = 50", "Silk = 50", "Corduroy = 40"] this data compared and make automatic ratio to automatically generate the Excel sheet give me Artificial intelligent application for windows and android

Usage :

currently size Marker ratio are increase so while enter the data in the application mean it could give if the application automatically Excel sheet generate it could if any thing the marker is reduce and also increase and save the time and reduce work load for Cad person

Desired features :

Real Time Updates, Analytics, AI

Features Details :

to save more time ,Reduce the marker ,reduce the work load and make more benefit for industry and to make more update in that particularly for that application and add more option that application given more feed for more data for that application to make easy the work reduce work load for Cad person

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