PDF to video presentation

Budget : na

Type of source code :

APP, Product engineering

Goals and context :

Hi, i am looking for code similar to heygen.com where you can upload a pdf and it provides a video presentation. I am looking to get quotes with ball park figure on how much it would cost to develop or buy the source code if anyone has anything similar. Language at this time is not an issue - i am just trying to get a better understanding on costs but my preference is python.

Usage :

The software will be used by clients to generate documents (PDF) and convert them to videos. These may include pictures, graphs, tables within the pdf to carry through to the video and present.

Desired features :

User Interface, AI, Video Options

Features Details :

I want to utilise AI to store templates also for different niches and do not require a face or small face but i would like the option to insert a custom voice via upload or a default human voice.

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