Staff Roster scheduler

Budget : na

Type of source code :

API, Website, APP, Database System, CMS, Automation Tool

Goals and context :

Hi I am looking for a staff scheduler that can do 24 hour shifts and match the client to the staff member, The software should be able to have different rates selected for the 24 hour period, Ie night shift rate will be different to day shift, I need to import these rates from a spreadsheet with many different funding lines for different types of services and holiday rates, The program should also be able to track staff hours where they clock on and off, I believe we will need to create a few versions of this to get it right after it has been trailed in the filed, I want to be able to connect the software to Go High Level. Please let me know if you have any questions

Usage :

This will be used by staff who work out in the field to support clients who are disabled, its important they can add notes after each shift and be geo logged when they clock on for a shift

Desired features :

User Interface, Administrator website, Messaging system, Push Notifications system, Multilingual, Real Time Updates, Social Integrations, Analytics, Webservices, AI

Features Details :

Please see above for features these are outlined there, I can provide reference software to how the system should work but i was hoping to find something already built that we can edit to add features

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