financial transaction

Budget : na

Type of source code :

API, Website, Database System, Big Data analytics, Product engineering, Security

Goals and context :

1. the goal is to establish a platform where bank users can access their account details, transact, withdraw, transfer funds, and save their money with interest for savings. 2. Another goal is to help users gain faster and more timeless bank access. 3. to enable bank users to bypass tax charges or at least a low charge to every bank transaction.

Usage :

1. the users are those with bank accounts and mobile money accounts. 2. for easy and faster money transactions between the bank service providers and the users 3. timeless and unlimited transactions 4. feeless tranactions.

Desired features :

User Interface, Administrator website, Messaging system, Push Notifications system, Reports, Secure Payment Options, Analytics, AI, Track and Trace

Features Details :

1. faster and more secure 2. feeless transactions 3. unlimited access 4. by-pass taxes 5. fund transferring 6. privacy account blocking and unblocking 7. visa by-pass

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