Age Calculator

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Apr 11, 2022

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

This application provide a simple user interface easy to use. just enter your birth date, Age Calculator provide your total age and next birthday upcoming birthday. Age Calculator is one of the best Age Calculation applicaton. if you know your total age how many Years, Months, Weeks, Days, Hours, Minuts, Second etc. This age calculator is best for you.

People often ask "how old are you?" and it takes us some amount of mental calculation to reach out to the definite answer. This age app helps in calculating the exact age. All you have to do is enter the accurate date of birth and the result will depict the exact age, next birthday. Also there is special segment in the result category which will depict the exact seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years you have lived till now.

This easy calculator app also enables you to share your exact age, upcoming birthday and time you have lived for, to your friends, families, colleagues through any social media channel.

Seeing the exact result through this age calculator app, your friends might ask you "Check my age", and the best part of this age app is you can check the exact age for any number of people you want. All you need to do is enter correct date of birth of individuals .

Age Calculator App is absolutely free of cost. It is free to use, all the features in this app and to share among others is also free.

You all fill various forms in your life which asks for your accurate age, and to answer this you keep wondering 'How Old Are You?' And to quench this thirst of 'How Old Am I?' this age app comes in handy, you will know the exact seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years you have lived so far with a very easy share button to share this detailed exact age to anyone you want on any social media channel you want.

Kindly put all your suggestions, feedback, problems faced in the age app during calculation of age, or sharing the exact age to anyone from this Age Calculator App in the Feedback Section. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us and will help us in making this Age Calculator app into more advanced age app with your desired features to calculate the exact age.

It is often said "Age is just a number". Well, with this age app, age is literally just a number. On all events, get togethers, thanksgiving, family dinner, for answering all questions like "how many hours you have lived" or "how old are you"

This calculator will calculate your age by enter your birth date. It will show your age in years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes and seconds. And next years birthdays with days.

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  • 📁 Age Calculator

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