AllMart WorkCraftEM
공개 채팅
제품 세부 정보
## Project Overview
WorkCraft is a comprehensive CRUD worker management system with a robust focus on marketing, tailored for B2B targets. This system facilitates efficient task management, progress tracking, and transparent communication between administrators and workers.
## Features
### Task Management
- **Admin Task Creation:** Easily create tasks through the admin interface, specifying details, assigning tasks, setting due dates, and including relevant information.
- **Worker Task Access:** Workers conveniently access assigned tasks through their profiles, providing a clear list of tasks, associated details, and deadlines.
- **Task Status Updates:** Workers update task status to indicate progress, simplifying task management and progress tracking.
- **Task Completion:** Mark tasks as "done" when finished, triggering updates in task progress.
- **Progress Tracking:** Admins track task progress, ensuring work is on track to meet deadlines.
This feature enhances transparency, accountability, and efficiency in task assignment and completion.
## Technologies Used
### Frontend
- **React:** JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- **Material-UI:** Popular React UI framework.
- **Emotion:** Library for writing CSS styles with JavaScript.
- **Axios:** Promise-based HTTP client for network requests.
- **Formik:** Library for building forms in React.
- **Chart.js:** JavaScript charting library for data visualization.
- **React-Router-DOM:** Library for handling routing in React.
- **Redux:** State management for React applications.
- **i18next:** Internationalization framework for web applications.
### Backend
- **Express:** Web application framework for Node.js.
- **Mongoose:** Object Data Modeling library for MongoDB.
- **SendGrid:** Service for sending transactional and marketing emails.
- **Stripe:** Payment processing platform.
- **Firebase Admin SDK:** Tools for managing Firebase from the server.
- **Cloudinary:** Cloud-based image and video management service.
- **JWT (JSON Web Tokens):** Standard for creating access tokens.
- **Multer:** Middleware for handling file uploads.
- **Nodemailer:** Module for sending emails with Node.js.
## Getting Started
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Configuration
## Usage
Explore and use the CRUD worker management system efficiently.
## Marketing Plan
- Identify Potential Clients
- Customize and Demo
- Highlight Features and Benefits
- Support from Partner Companies
- Join the Marketing Team
- **Worker Task Access:** Workers conveniently access assigned tasks through their profiles, providing a clear list of tasks, associated details, and deadlines.
- **Task Status Updates:** Workers update task status to indicate progress, simplifying task management and progress tracking.
- **Task Completion:** Mark tasks as "done" when finished, triggering updates in task progress.
- **Progress Tracking:** Admins track task progress, ensuring work is on track to meet deadlines.
This feature enhances transparency, accountability, and efficiency in task assignment and completion.
File Tree
📁 AllMart WorkCraftEM