AppGrade school management system using Django framework

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Aug 9, 2021

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

This Web Application project involves designing an online school management system that allows smarter, more efficient, and higher quality management.

In this web application there are 3 types of users:
1. Admin
2. Lecture
3. Student

User permissions are changing according to the type of the user.
Also, the permissions of a specific user can be changed through the Django management interface.
For Example, managers can get important information about lectures, students, courses, statistics, and more.
Lecture users can mark results, and student users can check their results.
with this web application, no one will be forgotten. For instance, a student who received a grade that failed will automatically enter the carry-over student's list. Also, if the grade will change to a passing grade, the student will be automatically removed from the carry-over student's list.
*In the YouTube introduction I present in detail all the differences between the types of users and their types of permissions.

Besides, as you can see that each user has all his user data on the profile page including the time of registration, last login time, phone number, email, address, name, role, and photo.
The profile page varies depending on the type of the user, for example:
A student user will see the list of courses he has allocated in addition to the basic data.
A lecturer user will see his allocated courses list, and an administrator user will be able to see the lecturers list. (his staff)

The user can also get information through an interactive diagram based on the dashboard's levels, scores, and average scores.
The tooltips help the user interface becomes simple and very easy to use.

Real-time updates! once a lecture enters a grade, the student can instantly view it on his results page.
The scores are automatically divided into evaluation scores (A, B, C, D, F) and will automatically record "Fail" or "Pass" grades.
The lecture required to enter only numbers.

Changing password - each user can change his password independently but not every password will be accepted, if the new password is not long enough, the user will get an error message.

Prohibition of duplications - this system does not allow duplication of usernames and thus becomes extremely professional, personal, and reliable.

YouTube introduction:
1. This school management system provides 3 types of users: Admin, Lecturer, and Student.

2. User permissions are changing according to the type of the user.

3. Users can also get information through an interactive diagram based on the dashboard's levels, scores, and average scores.

4. Real-time updates! once a lecture enters a grade, the student can instantly view it on his results page.

5. Changing password - each user can change his password independently but not every password will be accepted, if the new password is not long enough, the user will get an error message.

6. Prohibition of duplications - this system does not allow duplication of usernames and thus becomes extremely professional, personal, and reliable.

File Tree

  • 📁 AppGrade school management system using Django framework

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