Bot Mult Crypto for Binance

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Sep 11, 2021

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Robot for the Cryptocurrency market, uses binance to make trades within its portfolio. (single user system)

There's a simple way, you can use the strategy without needing to know how to program, just using the mode inside the robot, you can put your robot to work easily and quickly!

You can monitor and/or trade in currencies, this in several currencies at the same time, you choose the currencies, the strategies and how it will be done.

Bot Multi Crypto SU is a single user, secure system made with different forms of security to protect you.

You can see the purchases and sales of coins without any problem, all quickly, and a very secure robot, it can be used on a VPS server or run on your own machine.

Inside the robot, you can use thousands of ways for your strategies, like different buy and sell timeframes, you can use a variety of indicators like moving averages, RSI and others, you can use more than one rule for your action, you can create withdrawal orders also using a strategy instead of buying and selling, you can schedule some automation, have a grid strategy, all in a simple way without having to program just using logic in a simple way on top of the condition, everything in a simple way and bringing great results.

You can see your earnings within periods, create monitors for coins, see your wallet.

With a simple use, login securely, use the strategy quickly and easily, being able to use several indicators, more than one condition and time charts, thus being able to do short, medium and long term automation, place a wide variety of currency and so on. whoever gives his strategy he will buy, sell or even send the signal to your email, cell phone or telegram.

Inside the files there is a user manual and an installation guide that explains and comments on the use of the platform.

System that is always being updated and with several changes, it also has an Android and/or IOS mobile application sold separately.

Its cryptocurrency automation is so easy and varied, and can expand ways of earning and ingenuity, any questions just get in touch and if you need help just get in touch.

Visit the demo site for testing on Binance's testnet network:

demo site:


password: admin

** VERSION 2.5 **

  • Trailing Stop
  • Wildcard Automation
  • Wallet 2.0

** VERSION 2.0 **

  • bug fix
  • Alert using Telegram
  • Direct cryptocurrency withdrawal to a walletlog system

Monitoring of multiple currencies at the same time

Monitoring of multiple currencies at the same time
Profit and Loss Report
order report
multi-currency monitoring
Automotive with its strategy without the need for programming
Make the strategy in minutes, no need to know programming just using the platform
alerts by email, sms or telegram
cryptocurrency withdrawal
log system

Make the strategy in minutes, no need to know programming just using the platform

File Tree

  • 📁 Bot Mult Crypto for Binance

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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