Codecex Code And Template Digital Marketplace

제품 정보

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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품


코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

May 8, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Codecex Code And Template Digital Marketplace

Welcome to Codecex Code And Template Digital Marketplace. Unlock the potential of your digital marketplace with CodeceX more than just a platform, it will act as the powerhouse of your digital product marketplace. Dive into a dynamic marketplace where creators trade in code, templates, and beyond. Your journey begins here at CodeceX, where innovation seamlessly merges with opportunity.


Frontend :

Reviewer Panel:

Admin Panel:

Admin User : admin
Admin Password : admin

What will you get along with this script?

- Full Source Code
- Project Documentation
- Full Project Database

Built for the future

Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack known to the world: Bootstrap, Laravel framework, jQuery.

User s Features:

- Profile Management.
- Purchased Item Archive.
- Purchased History Management.
- New Item Upload Management.
- Withdraw History Management.
- Transactions Management.
- Support Ticket Management.
- Favorites Management.
- Collections Management.
- Global Settings.
- Author Level System.
- Followers Management.
- Following Management.
- Refunds Management.
- Hidden Items Section.
- Earning Management.
- Sells Management.
- Comments Management.
- Reviews Management.
- And More

Admin Features:

- Manage Sells.
- Manage Products.
- Manage Categories.
- Manage Authors.
- Manage Users.
- Review & Comment Management.
- Manage Reviewers.
- Payment Gateways Management.
- Payments Management.
- Withdrawals Management.
- Support Ticket Management.
- Report Management.
- Manage Fees.
- General Setting Management.
- License Information Management.
- System Configuration Management.
- Extensions Management.
- Language Management.
- SEO Manager.
- KYC Management.
- Notification Management.
- Manage Pages.
- Section Management.
- Policy Pages Management.
- Social Icons Management.
- Maintenance Mode Management.
- GDPR Cookie Management.
- Custom CSS Management.
- And More

Reviewer Features:

- Pending Products Management.
- Assigned Products Management.
- Updated Products Management.
- Approved Products Management.
- Soft Rejected Management.
- Hard Rejected Management.
- Down Products Management.
- Permanently Down Management.
- Profile Management.
- SMS Notifications.
- Email Notifications.
- And More

Support Facility:

Please send us any of your questions or query like presale queries, after-sales support requests, customization requests, and any other queries to:

File Tree

  • 📁 Codecex Code And Template Digital Marketplace

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


제한된 미리 보기

실제 제품에는 모든 파일과 전체 코드가 포함되어 있습니다.

종속성 확인

제품 외부 종속성 보기

무작위로 선택한 샘플 파일

프로젝트 파일 통계


샘플 파일 선택


비즈니스 개발자를 위한 최신 정보를 원하십니까? 소스 코드 프로젝트에 대한 PieceX 커뮤니티의 요구사항을 알아보세요. PieceX의 최신 무료 커뮤니티 코드를 빠르게 알려드립니다.