Daud Chat App in Flutter with Firebase

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Mar 5, 2024

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제품 세부 정보

Flutter Firebase Daud Chat App

Welcome to the Flutter Firebase Daud Chat App, a feature-rich source code product designed to revolutionize the way users interact and communicate in real-time. Let's explore the key features and value proposition of this innovative software:


  • Splash Screen: Engage users with an appealing splash screen that initializes essential components.

  • Login/Sign Up Page: Enable users to register or log in securely using email and password with Firebase Authentication.

  • Chat Room: Access a list of chat rooms, join existing ones, or create new rooms with real-time updates via Firebase Firestore.

  • Messaging: Send text messages instantly, share images, videos, and emojis, all stored in Firebase Firestore for persistence and synchronization.

  • Message Editing and Deletion: Users can edit or delete their messages with a user-friendly interface, ensuring control over their conversations.

  • User Profiles: View and update profiles, upload profile pictures, and manage personal information stored in Firebase Firestore.

  • Technology Stack: Utilize Flutter for cross-platform mobile app development and Firebase for authentication, database, and storage.

Value Proposition:

With the Flutter Firebase Daud Chat App, users can experience seamless real-time communication, enhanced security, and personalized customization options. The integration of Firebase services ensures reliable authentication, data storage, and real-time messaging capabilities, while Flutter facilitates the development of a visually appealing and responsive mobile application.

Future Enhancements:

  • Implement push notifications for instant message alerts.

  • Support audio messages and file attachments for diverse communication options.

  • Enhance group chat functionality for collaborative discussions.

  • Integrate third-party authentication providers like Google or Facebook for user convenience.

Disclaimer: This source code is intended for educational purposes only. Users should adhere to Firebase's pricing and usage policies when deploying the application.

Customization Options:

Users can personalize their chat experience by customizing theme colors, font size, and other settings to suit their preferences. This feature enhances user engagement and satisfaction by providing a tailored interface.


User registration and login using email and password.
Integration with Firebase Authentication for secure user authentication.
Real-time Messaging:

Users can send and receive text messages in real-time.
Messages are instantly synced across all devices.
Utilizes Firebase Firestore for real-time database functionality.
Media Sharing:

Support for sending images, videos, and other media files.
Allows users to share multimedia content within the chat interface.
Emoji Support:

Integration of emoji picker for adding expressive elements to messages.
Users can easily include emojis in their chat conversations.
Message Editing and Deletion:

Ability for users to edit or delete their own messages.
Ensures flexibility and control over sent messages.
User Profiles:

Users can create and update their profiles.
Option to upload profile pictures and add personal information.
Push Notifications:

Implementation of push notifications to alert users about new messages.
Keeps users informed even when the app is not actively in use.
Search Functionality:

Search feature to easily find specific messages or users within the chat.
Enhances user experience by providing quick access to desired content.

Secure transmission of data using HTTPS protocol.
Firebase Authentication ensures user data privacy and security.
Customization Options:

Allow users to customize chat settings such as theme colors, font size, etc.
Provides a personalized experience for users according to their preferences.

File Tree

  • 📁 Daud Chat App in Flutter with Firebase

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