Desktop To SMS and Android SMS Server with Code

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Dec 5, 2021

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

DesktopToSMS Software with Android APP connect upto 5 mobiles

It is collection of two software's 1. DesktopToSMS Software and 2. DTServer Android App for mobile

DesktopToSMS Software
The software connect with multiple mobiles (upto 5 mobiles), it Send SMSs through multiple mobiles for marketing purpose, software connecting through Network adapter or Hotspot of mobile, when you need connect with mobile, it is required IP address which shows on mobile android application.

DTServer android application
DTServer is android application developed in Xamarin, It works a server to send SMS through mobile, shows IP address which will be used in DesktoptoSMS Software.

Both software compiled and tested on windows 10 and android mobile.

Instruction for User/Developer
1. Open in visual Studio 2019
2. Open DesktopToSMS Project, Run - press F5, Insert mobile IPs which want to connect to Send SMSs
3. open DTServer in mobile
4. Type IP Address and Ports in DesktopToSMS Software get both from DTServer mobile screen
5. Open Excel File where number stored, format included
6. Type SMS Message
7. Press Send button

for any support send me message

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team in more detail.

Attached C# and Xamarin code files, both open with Visual Studio 2019 and Xamarin
Instruction for User/Developer
​1. Open in visual Studio 2019
2. Open DesktopToSMS Project, Run - press F5, Insert mobile IPs which want to connect to Send SMSs
3. open DTServer in mobile
4. Type IP Address and Ports in DesktopToSMS Software get both from DTServer mobile screen
5. Open Excel File where number stored, format included
6. Type SMS Message
7. Press Send button

File Tree

  • 📁 Desktop To SMS and Android SMS Server with Code

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최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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