Doctor Appointment Booking Website
제품 세부 정보
Medicare is a Doctor Appointment Booking Website that goes beyond simple appointment scheduling by providing additional features and functionalities. The application is built using JavaScript, React.js, TailwindCSS, Context API, React Router, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, JWT, Stripe payment, Cloudinary, and several frontend libraries. The user interface is designed using TailwindCSS, and the application is providing a seamless and fast experience for users on both desktop and mobile devices. With Medicare, users can easily and securely book their appointments essentials from the comfort of their own homes.
• Login system that allows patients and doctors to create an account and log into their account.• Role-based authentication and authorization.
• Doctor listings, including images and descriptions, for users to browse and select items to book.
• Search bar to allow users to easily find specific items.
• Doctor details that allow users to view all information about the doctor and the cost of their ticket.
• Doctor Searching Functionality.
• Review and payment system with stripe.
• Ability to update user & doctor profile information.
• Ability to see user profile information & booking.
• Ability to see doctor profile information & appointments.
• Responsive design that provides a seamless user experience on both desktop and mobile devices etc
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📁 Doctor Appointment Booking Website