Drag and Drop Website Builder

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neil nay180258
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Apr 30, 2022

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Bootstrap HTML Builder Features

Unlimited html websites

Unlimited html files

Power user manager system, we can set permission via user group

Publish html website to any hosting server via ftp

Create, edit, delete html websites

Create, edit, delete html file

Create, edit, delete html layout

Design html file with drag and drop component elements

Support preview html file

Support test environment for desktop, tablet, mobile

Support bootstrap theme

Template blocks support

20 component elements

17 bootstrap themes is included

Demo for 17 bootstrap themes are included

Component elements

Portfolio component

Font awesome component

Anchor component

Blank space: help to create blank row

Button: help to create button

CSS Code: help to add css code

HTML Code: help to add HTML code

Javascript Code: help to add Javascript code

FAQ: help to create FAQ

Google Map: Help to create Google Map

Image: help to create image

Navbar: help to create navbar with menu

Row: help to create row

Tab: help to create tab

Text Block: help to create text block with editor (tinymce editor)

Text Heading: help to create text heading

Video: help to create youtube, vimeo video


Input text


17 bootstrap themes is included

Cerulean theme

Cosmo theme

Cyborg theme

Darkly theme

Default theme

Flatly theme

Journal theme

Lumen theme

Paper theme

Readable theme

Sandstone theme

Simplex theme

Slate theme

Spacelab theme

Supper hero theme

United theme

Yeti theme

Websites Bootstrap HTML Builder Features
Unlimited html websites
Unlimited html files
Power user manager system, we can set permission via user group
Publish html website to any hosting server via ftp
Create, edit, delete html websites
Create, edit, delete html file
Create, edit, delete html layout
Design html file with drag and drop component elements
Support preview html file
Support test environment for desktop, tablet, mobile
Support bootstrap theme
Template blocks support
20 component elements

17 bootstrap themes is included
Demo for 17 bootstrap themes are included
Component elements
Portfolio component
Font awesome component
Anchor component
Blank space: help to create blank row
Button: help to create button
CSS Code: help to add css code
HTML Code: help to add HTML code
Javascript Code: help to add Javascript code
FAQ: help to create FAQ
Google Map: Help to create Google Map
Image: help to create image
Navbar: help to create navbar with menu
Row: help to create row
Tab: help to create tab
Text Block: help to create text block with editor (tinymce editor)
Text Heading: help to create text heading
Video: help to create youtube, vimeo video
Input text

17 bootstrap themes is included
Cerulean theme
Cosmo theme
Cyborg theme
Darkly theme
Default theme
Flatly theme
Journal theme
Lumen theme
Paper theme
Readable theme
Sandstone theme
Simplex theme
Slate theme
Spacelab theme
Supper hero theme
United theme
Yeti theme

File Tree

  • 📁 Drag and Drop Website Builder

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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