FileThread a more efficient way to collaborate

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Oct 29, 2022

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제품 세부 정보

FileThread is a workspace that stores team collaboration (i.e., team files and discussion) on cloud storage. Think of it as a Slack channel within Google Drive. Most teams communicate and store files in separate tools (e.g., email/chat app and cloud storage). With current sets of tools, it’s difficult for users to track team messages associated with each file version. The result is fragmented context across multiple platforms. FileThread keeps track of version history and team messages side-by-side so that document creators never get confused about how the latest versions got to where they are today.

We have a finished product; anyone can create an account at and start using the platform. We have already started integrating FileThread with Google Drive. Please refer to the FileThread website for more information on benefits and detailed features.

(1) FileThread as a cloud storage offers (but not limited to) the following standard features:
- File upload, download, and delete
- Access level control (e.g., owner, editor, read-only)
- Provide URL to specific file / FileThread
- Standard file management (e.g., file name change, create folder, move file/folder, sort in ascending/descending orders)
- Standard text edits (e.g., italicize, bold, underline, bullets)
- Search functionality

(2) FileThread as a chat platform offers (but not limited to) the following standard features:
- Create private / group chat with users
- Send message and files
- Access level control (e.g., add or remove user)
- Standard text edits (e.g., italicize, bold, underline, bullets)
- Search functionality

(3) FileThread’s unique features include:
- Customized Slack-like channel within cloud storage
- Proprietary file version control method

File Tree

  • 📁 FileThread a more efficient way to collaborate

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가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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