Flutter screen designs kit with bloc

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Aug 4, 2023

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

This is mobile app screen designs kit made using flutter and bloc architecture. The app starts with page that display all the screens app has. You can select any screen you like and it will navigate to it. Some screens are only designs whereas some has basic functions. The screens having functions are handled using bloc state management architecture.

It is a simple project made to simplify the time of user to create a project from scratch. It is not a much huge app but just a basic theme plates to understand how it is created. The bottom navbar in some screens are not available in pub.dev, it is created from scratch. So, you can copy the components and use it on your own. 

Save your number of hours for creating any project from scratch by manipulating the app source code. Copy and use the components in your own starter projects.

The app contains the features listed:
1) Beautiful screen designs for mobile app
2) Number of components with ease of manipulations
3) Architected files, folders and images
4) Code patterns easy to understand and remake
5) Bloc architecture for basic app functions
6) Saving hundreds of hours of lightful screen designs

File Tree

  • 📁 Flutter screen designs kit with bloc

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