GST Calculator

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Jul 12, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Citizen-GST Calculator (Android Studio + Admob + Firebase) - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

GST Calculator app is a powerful and intuitive mobile application that simplifies tax calculations for citizens and businesses. With the help of this app, users can easily calculate their GST (Goods and Services Tax) liability and also check the GST rates for different products and services.

The app is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly and accurately calculate their taxes. It also features a built-in currency converter that supports multiple currencies, making it useful for international transactions.

GST calculator, tax calculator, GST app, goods and services tax, tax management, financial calculator, business tool, tax rates, GST inclusive, GST exclusive, customizable tax rates, multi-currency support, tax breakdown, calculation history, offline calculator, accurate GST calculation, quick GST calculator, tax computation, financial management, business finance, easy GST calculations.

andriod studio


1.Complete Citizen-GST Calculator App.

2.Easy integration.

3.Android Studio Project.

4.Admob Ads Added (Banner+Native+OpenAds)

5.The Latest SDK Version_34

6.A Very clean and user Friendly UI

7.Full Fresh Documented Code.

8.Rate at Play store via App

9.Firebase Push Notification





Requirements: 1) Android Studio 2) Android 3) SDK JDK/JRE 4) Admob Account 5) Play Store Account.

1) Unzip Project File 2) Open Project File On Android Studio 3) Run Project 4) Change UI Design Colors, App Logo And Splash Screen Image For Reskin.

1.Complete Citizen-GST Calculator App.

2.Easy integration.

3.Android Studio Project.

4.Admob Ads Added (Banner+Native+OpenAds+)

5.The Latest SDK Version_34

6.A Very clean and user Friendly UI

7.Full Fresh Documented Code.

8.Rate at Play store via App

9.Firebase Push Notification

File Tree

  • 📁 GST Calculator

설치 지침

1) Unzip Project File 2) Open Project File On Android Studio 3) Run Project 4) Change UI Design Colors, App Logo And Splash Screen Image For Reskin.

변경 및 적응 지침

1) Unzip Project File 2) Open Project File On Android Studio 3) Run Project 4) Change UI Design Colors, App Logo And Splash Screen Image For Reskin

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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