Ionic 2 Customisable Template

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Feb 2, 2019

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제품 세부 정보

Are you ready to start building a beautiful, hybrid mobile application quickly, with minimal effort? Look no further than this amazing Ionic application template!

Whether you have an iOS or Android device, this template works on both. It is also very easy to customize right away with the built-in color themes.

Using this template, you can start building your app in a matter of seconds. Here’s how to make it happen:

  • First, make sure you have the Ionic Framework environment installed. To do this, you’ll need Node.js.

  • Next, open the template application folder in your terminal and run “npm install” to install the necessary dependencies.

  • Finally, run “ionic serve” from the terminal to build your application and run it in your local web browser.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the UserGuide.pdf file.

This Ionic application template is a fantastic tool for developers of all levels of experience. It enables you to quickly and easily create a beautiful, hybrid mobile application. And you don’t need to be a coding genius to do it either. Start building with the Ionic application template today!

It is very easily customisable via built-in color themes. - Go in the template application folder with your terminal and run npm install to install the needed dependencies. - Then run ionic serve from the terminal, to build your application and run it in your local web browser. For more details please refer to the UserGuide pdf file.

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리뷰 및 등급
Nov 2, 2019
Easy to extend from the existing code. a good work.

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