제품 세부 정보
A job portal that provides a centralized system for employers to post information about job openings and find a matching candidate for the posted jobs. This job portal is pay per use model so that recruiter do not have to spend a lot of money to recruit a candidate. This also helps the job seeker who want to change jobs or find a good job and these candidates also avail pay per use term so that they have to pay only when they need to find a job. Application has enhanced features like two-form authentication and email notifications to the respective events.
This job portal is pay per use model so that recruiter do not have to spend a lot of money to recruit a candidate. This also helps the job seeker who want to change jobs or find a good job and these candidates also avail pay per use term so that they have to pay only when they need to find a job.
가격 정보
가격 통계
최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측