Laravel Ecommerce Project
제품 세부 정보
This is a complete E-commerce Project where customer can add product to their cart and order product online. This project has email verification for customer registration . Customer has the ability to comment and reply for product . Customer can see Product details and search for specific product . Also customer can choose how to order product with cash on delivery or using card .
Also admin can see all the order then send email to customer form admin dashboard . Admin can print receipt for every order .
Overall this e-commerce project has everything that a e-commerce website require Homepage description :
Customer can see all the product .
Customer can search for product.
Can see product details
Customer can comment and reply.
Customer can register with email verification
Customer can login and add product to their cart .
Customer has the the ability to order product using card or cash on delivery.
Customer can see all their order and also has the ability to cancel the order.
Admin Dashboard :
Admin can see all the Customer details
Admin can add product , delete or update them.
Admin can see all the order.
Admin has the ability to send mail to the customer from admin dashboard .
Admin can print receipt for a specific order.
Admin can see messages send by the Customer .
Also admin can see all the order then send email to customer form admin dashboard . Admin can print receipt for every order .
Overall this e-commerce project has everything that a e-commerce website require Homepage description :
Customer can see all the product .
Customer can search for product.
Can see product details
Customer can comment and reply.
Customer can register with email verification
Customer can login and add product to their cart .
Customer has the the ability to order product using card or cash on delivery.
Customer can see all their order and also has the ability to cancel the order.
Admin Dashboard :
Admin can see all the Customer details
Admin can add product , delete or update them.
Admin can see all the order.
Admin has the ability to send mail to the customer from admin dashboard .
Admin can print receipt for a specific order.
Admin can see messages send by the Customer .
File Tree
📁 Laravel Ecommerce Project
가격 정보
가격 통계
최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측
리뷰 및 등급