MH Player The Ultimate Media Experience Flutter MX Player Clone Full Application

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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품


Hasaam Shakeel
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Aug 13, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

MH Player Features

MH Player is your all-in-one media player designed to give you the best experience in organizing, playing, and enjoying your media files. With a sleek and intuitive interface, MH Player supports a wide range of video and audio formats, ensuring that you can play any file effortlessly.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Media Library: Automatically scan and organize all your video and audio files into an easily navigable library.

  • Folder Organization: View your media files categorized by folders, exactly as they are stored on your device.

  • Recent and Favorite Videos: Quickly access your recently played videos and mark your favorites for instant playback.

  • Advanced Search Functionality: Find any video or audio file on your device with our powerful search tool.

  • Customizable Playback: Control your media playback with ease. Enjoy features like play, pause, next, previous, and volume control, all from an intuitive interface.

  • Full-Screen Mode: Immerse yourself in your videos with our seamless full-screen playback mode, complete with orientation toggle.

  • Volume Slider: Adjust your volume on the fly with our sleek, on-screen volume slider.

  • Rich Media Support: Support for all major video and audio formats, ensuring compatibility with all your media files.

  • Offline Access: Play your media files without an internet connection, anytime and anywhere.

  • Permission Management: Easily grant and manage storage permissions for a smooth media experience.

MH Player is designed to provide a rich and immersive media experience, combining powerful features with an elegant design. Whether you re watching your favorite movies, listening to music, or managing your media library, MH Player offers everything you need in one convenient app.

This application is compatible with Flutter 3.22.0, it is built with null safety


  • An Operating System (MacOS X, Windows)

  • An IDE with Flutter SDK installed ( Android Studio, Visual Studio Code)

  • Knowledge of Dart and Flutter to Edit and Modify

  • Able to Understand English Language


Our response time for support is 2-Business Days which means when you send us a request for support you need to wait at least 48-hours to get our response! So please don t expect quick replies! But always we do our best to support our customers as soon as possible!

Can customize the app by just following the step by step documentation provided with the files

What will you get:

  • Source Code of Flutter App

  • Documentation Files in English

  • All the New Updates

Comprehensive Media Library: Automatically scan and organize all your video and audio files into an easily navigable library.
Folder Organization: View your media files categorized by folders, exactly as they are stored on your device.
Recent and Favorite Videos: Quickly access your recently played videos and mark your favorites for instant playback.
Advanced Search Functionality: Find any video or audio file on your device with our powerful search tool.
Customizable Playback: Control your media playback with ease. Enjoy features like play, pause, next, previous, and volume control, all from an intuitive interface.
Full-Screen Mode: Immerse yourself in your videos with our seamless full-screen playback mode, complete with orientation toggle.
Volume Slider: Adjust your volume on the fly with our sleek, on-screen volume slider.
Rich Media Support: Support for all major video and audio formats, ensuring compatibility with all your media files.
Offline Access: Play your media files without an internet connection, anytime and anywhere.
Permission Management: Easily grant and manage storage permissions for a smooth media experience.

File Tree

  • 📁 MH Player The Ultimate Media Experience Flutter MX Player Clone Full Application

설치 지침

Comprehensive Media Library: Automatically scan and organize all your video and audio files into an easily navigable library.
Folder Organization: View your media files categorized by folders, exactly as they are stored on your device.
Recent and Favorite Videos: Quickly access your recently played videos and mark your favorites for instant playback.
Advanced Search Functionality: Find any video or audio file on your device with our powerful search tool.
Customizable Playback: Control your media playback with ease. Enjoy features like play, pause, next, previous, and volume control, all from an intuitive interface.
Full-Screen Mode: Immerse yourself in your videos with our seamless full-screen playback mode, complete with orientation toggle.
Volume Slider: Adjust your volume on the fly with our sleek, on-screen volume slider.
Rich Media Support: Support for all major video and audio formats, ensuring compatibility with all your media files.
Offline Access: Play your media files without an internet connection, anytime and anywhere.
Permission Management: Easily grant and manage storage permissions for a smooth media experience.

변경 및 적응 지침

Here's a concise version of how a customer can make changes to your Flutter-based video player project:

1. **Set Up**:
- Install Flutter SDK.
- Clone the project repository.
- Run `flutter pub get` to install dependencies.

2. **White-Labeling**:
- **Change App Name & Icons**: Update in Android (`AndroidManifest.xml`, `res/` folder) and iOS (`Info.plist`, `Assets.xcassets`).
- **Update Package Name**: Modify in `build.gradle` for Android and Xcode settings for iOS.
- **Replace Logos & Assets**: Update image assets in the `assets` folder and their references in code.

3. **Reskinning**:
- **Update Theme**: Modify colors, fonts, and styles in `lib/theme.dart`.
- **Customize UI**: Adjust widget properties and visuals in the relevant Dart files.
- **Replace Visual Assets**: Swap out images/icons in `assets`.

4. **Feature Implementation**:
- **Add New Widgets/Features**: Create and integrate new widgets or modify existing ones in the Dart files.
- **Add Plugins**: Update `pubspec.yaml` with new dependencies and implement the required features.

5. **Integration**:
- **Backend/APIs**: Use packages like `http` to integrate with backend services.
- **Analytics/Third-Party Services**: Follow documentation to integrate services like Firebase or payment gateways.

6. **Testing**:
- **Run and Debug**: Use `flutter run` and debugging tools to test.
- **Automated Tests**: Write and execute tests to ensure functionality.

7. **Build & Deploy**:
- **Build APK/IPA**: Use `flutter build apk` for Android and `flutter build ios` for iOS.
- **Deploy**: Submit to Google Play or Apple App Store.

8. **Documentation & Maintenance**:
- **Update Docs**: Document changes.
- **Monitor & Fix**: Watch for issues post-deployment and update as needed.

This summary outlines the key steps for a customer to make changes like white-labeling, reskinning, and adding features to the project.

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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