Banking app Mobile money wallet with NFC and QR payments enabled

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Ronnex Wataya
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Apr 12, 2022

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Software Source Code Product Description

This software source code product is an Android app written in Android Studio using Java. The back-end files are developed using both PHP and Node.Js. It is a comprehensive solution that allows users to register for a money wallet account and perform various financial transactions.

Value Proposition

The software source code product offers a convenient and secure way for users to manage their finances. With features such as peer-to-peer money transfer, contactless payments, and utility bill payments, it provides a comprehensive solution for users' financial needs. The source code is flexible and can be easily integrated with other payment gateways, making it suitable for customization and scalability.


Peer-to-Peer Money Transfer

  • Send money to other wallet accounts

  • Send money to other banking wallets eg payoneer and paypal

  • Send money by scanning QR codes generated by other users of the app

  • Uses One Time Pin (OTP) for account verification and activation (firebase)

  • Two-factor authentication for enhanced security

Recharge/Top Up/Deposit Your Account

  • Choose preferred top-up options

  • Top up your account with a credit or debit card(Visa and Mastercard supported)

  • Top up your account with other mobile wallets

Contactless Payments with Phone

  • Swipe right to access payment options

  • Pay with NFC by waving your phone to a POS device

  • Pay with QR code by scanning the QR code provided by the seller

  • Generate QR code for the seller to scan


  • Fill in personal details

  • Provide identification (Passport or National ID)

  • Verify phone number using One Time Pin (OTP) and Two-factor Authentication (2FA)


  • Login using your account details


  • Easy integration with other payment gateways of your choice(Airtel, Stripe, PayPal, Payoneer etc)

  • Supports all programming languages and frameworks such as JavaScript, JSON, Curl, and PHP

Source Code

  • Flexible and scalable source code

  • Can be easily migrated to different frameworks

  • Can be imported to Flutter for cross-platform development

  • Written in Java

  • No need for changes or edits when changing back-end or servers

Resources and Source Code Features

  • The mobile app code is written in Java

  • Back-end is developed using PHP and Node.js

Peer-to-Peer Money Transfer
Send money to other wallet accounts

Send money to other banking wallets eg payoneer and paypal

Send money by scanning QR codes generated by other users of the app
Uses One Time Pin (OTP) for account verification and activation (firebase)
Two-factor authentication for enhanced security
Recharge/Top Up/Deposit Your Account
Choose preferred top-up options
Top up your account with a credit or debit card(Visa and Mastercard supported)
Top up your account with other mobile wallets

Contactless Payments with Phone
Swipe right to access payment options
Pay with NFC by waving your phone to a POS device
Pay with QR code by scanning the QR code provided by the seller
Generate QR code for the seller to scan

Fill in personal details
Provide identification (Passport or National ID)
Verify phone number using One Time Pin (OTP) and Two-factor Authentication (2FA)
Login using your account details
Easy integration with other payment gateways of your choice(Airtel, Stripe, PayPal, Payoneer etc)
Supports all programming languages and frameworks such as JavaScript, JSON, Curl, and PHP
Source Code
Flexible and scalable source code
Can be easily migrated to different frameworks
Can be imported to Flutter for cross-platform development
Written in Java
No need for changes or edits when changing back-end or servers
Resources and Source Code Features
The mobile app code is written in Java
Back-end is developed using PHP and Node.js

File Tree

  • 📁 Banking app Mobile money wallet with NFC and QR payments enabled

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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