Multi User Full Accounting and Inventory Management System Built with Django and React

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Apr 1, 2021

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제품 세부 정보

Multi User Full Accounting and Inventory Management System Built with Django and React

All the code is customized to be deployed to Heroku

  • Adding and editing Clients and Vendors 
  • adding products and preview product history and inventory management
  • adding invoices and refunds for clients and vendors 
  • adding 

    incomes and payments for clients and vendors
  • adding editing expenses
To use the code in a new server you will need to change:
  • install the Requirments.txt file in Django app
  • add the new url for the backend and frontend to the allowed hosts ant to coreheaders in file in the Django app
  • change the email backend in the same file to you email info (emailAddress  ,password)
  • change the url in in the Django app to the new url where frontend is hosted
  • change the Baseurl in the React app in context folder to the url where backend is hosted

Adding and editing Clients and Vendors
adding products and preview product history and inventory management
adding invoices and refunds for clients and vendors
adding editing incomes and payments for clients and vendors
adding editing expenses

File Tree

  • 📁 Multi User Full Accounting and Inventory Management System Built with Django and React

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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