Omen Retail Store

제품 정보

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Aug 30, 2020

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Omen Retail is a retail management system product which was
made to overcome following problems in day to day life. 


Ø  Difficulties in controlling sales and

Ø  Low productivity and production cost are
inefficiently high.

Ø  Books are being used for records.

Ø  Pilferage and breakages are hard to control at
the moment.


Considering above problems, aims and features included, A
GUI INTERFACE was designed and coded using modern Tkinter 3.8.5 in PyCharm
Professional IDE 2020.1.2, with interpreter Python 3.8 and MYSQL Workbench 8.0

This is the tkinter GUI code for retail management system. You may change the database name and then import it in your database server. Make a new project and name it whatever you desire then, import all the files that you have downloaded into Project Folder. Run and Enjoy!

If you get any problems then you can message me here. 

To run the application you have to have imported packages as:
1. tkinter

2. ttk

3. mysql-connector-python

4. PIL



Ø  -Separate
Admin and Employee login pages and menus

Ø  -Fully
functional billing system

Ø  -Manage
products, employees, invoices

Ø  -Searching,
displaying details, adding, and editing the stock records stored in the

Ø  -The
admin page will be password protected and only the administrator can add the
product information.

Ø  -Combo-box

Ø  -Image

Overcoming all the problems that were earlier in Omen
Retail Store, product was finalized. After that, unit testing was done to test
if algorithms like Bubble Sort, Linear Search and also tested some of the
functions of the product such as: Registration detail of employee was inserted
in a database or not? If admin manages Products, Employee and Customers, was it
modified in databases or not? After all the testing and validations in coding
were passed, the fully working product was made.

In Omen Retail Store app, if you are a new employee then
you need to register a account first, if you are already registered then login
to access all the Employee Features in a Store app which includes options as
Add To Cart, Add To Database, Delete From Cart, Print Bill, Explore Employee
and Customers Photos etc. While Admin can only register with given Username and
Password. Admin can manage Customers Details, Employee Details and Product


Omen Retail is a retail management system product which was made to overcome following problems in day to day life. 


Ø  Difficulties in controlling sales and purchases.

Ø  Low productivity and production cost are inefficiently high.

Ø  Books are being used for records.

Ø  Pilferage and breakages are hard to control at the moment.


Considering above problems, aims and features included, A GUI INTERFACE was designed and coded using modern Tkinter 3.8.5 in PyCharm Professional IDE 2020.1.2, with interpreter Python 3.8 and MYSQL Workbench 8.0 CE.

This is the tkinter GUI code for retail management system. You may change the database name and then import it in your database server. Make a new project and name it whatever you desire then, import all the files that you have downloaded into Project Folder. Run and Enjoy!

If you get any problems then you can message me here. 

To run the application you have to have imported packages as:
1. tkinter

2. ttk

3. mysql-connector-python

4. PIL



Ø  -Separate Admin and Employee login pages and menus

Ø  -Fully functional billing system

Ø  -Manage products, employees, invoices

Ø  -Searching, displaying details, adding, and editing the stock records stored in the database.

Ø  -The admin page will be password protected and only the administrator can add the product information.

Ø  -Combo-box Population.

Ø  -Image Slider.

Overcoming all the problems that were earlier in Omen Retail Store, product was finalized. After that, unit testing was done to test if algorithms like Bubble Sort, Linear Search and also tested some of the functions of the product such as: Registration detail of employee was inserted in a database or not? If admin manages Products, Employee and Customers, was it modified in databases or not? After all the testing and validations in coding were passed, the fully working product was made.

In Omen Retail Store app, if you are a new employee then you need to register a account first, if you are already registered then login to access all the Employee Features in a Store app which includes options as Add To Cart, Add To Database, Delete From Cart, Print Bill, Explore Employee and Customers Photos etc. While Admin can only register with given Username and Password. Admin can manage Customers Details, Employee Details and Product Details.


Omen Retail Store
Omen Retail is a retail management system product which was
made to overcome following problems in day to day life. You may change the database name and then import it in your database server.

File Tree

  • 📁 Omen Retail Store

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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